
Published Papers

  1. J. Zammit, D. Abela, “Implementation of a Fully Configurable Pixel Antenna Using pHEMT Switches”, MCAST Journal of Applied Research and Practice, Vol 7., No 2, 2023
  2. J. Zammit, C. Cauchi and D. Lia, “Design and Development of an FPGA Board for Software-Defined Radio Research“, MCAST Journal of Applied Research and Practice, Vol 6., No 2, 2022
  3. J. Scerri, K. Scicluna, C. Seguna and J. A. Zammit, “Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Binaural Source Localisation,” 2018 International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering (ICRIEECE), Bhubaneswar, India, 2018, pp. 2441-2443.
  4. W. Agius, K. Scicluna, J. Zammit, C. Seguna, J. Scerri, “Design of an STM32F4 microcontroller development board for switching power converters”, NGCAS 2018, Malta
  5. Joseph A. Zammit, “A Review on Ambient Assisted Living in a Maltese Context”, MCAST Journal of applied Research and Practice, Vol 1., 2017
  6. Joseph A.Zammit, Adrian Muscat, “Rapid Analysis of a Pixel Patch Antenna using the Planar Circuit Technique” APC 2011, University of Loughborough, November 2011.
  7. Muscat, Adrian, and Joseph A. Zammit. “A coupled random search-shape grammar algorithm for the control of reconfigurable pixel microstrip antennas.” International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, 2010.
  8. J. A. Zammit and A. Muscat, “The analysis of reconfigurable antennas using segmentation techniques“, WICT 2010, University of Malta, November 2010
  9. Muscat and J. A. Zammit, “An Efficient Algorithm for the Control of Reconfigurable Pixel Microstrip Antennas,” in Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics, 2009. Oct. 2009
  10. J. A. Zammit and A. Muscat,”Design and Configuration Techniques of a Low-Profile Reconfigurable Antenna for a Cognitive Radio System“, WICT 2008, University of Malta, November 2008
  11. A. Muscat and J. A. Zammit, Reconfigurable Antenna Structure For A Wideband Cognitive Radio, Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio: Technologies and Techniques, September 2008.
  12. J. A. Zammit and A. Muscat, Tunable Microstrip Antenna Using Switchable Patches, LAPC 2008, University of Loughborough, March 2008.
  13. J. A. Zammit and A. Muscat, “A Small Tunable Antenna Using Multiple Shorting Posts and Varactor diodes“, ISCCSP 2008, Malta, March 2008.

Book Chapters

  1. Muscat, Adrian, and Joseph A. Zammit. “A microstrip antenna shape grammar.” Microstrip Antennas, Chapter 11, DOI: 10.5772/609, ISBN: 978-953-307-247-0,  InTech, 2011.

Electronic Circuits

  1. J. A. Zammit Temperature meter, Battery Tester “ Summer circuits collection” Elektor Electronics,Issue 378, July/August 2008
  2. J. A. Zammit, “MotorBox, A generic Motor Controller” Elektor Electronics,Issue 367, July/August 2007


    1.  “A Planar Circuit Model for the Analysis of Pixel Microstrip Antennas“, P.hD. Thesis, University of Malta, February 2014
    2. Examining the psychological effect of the transition between examinations based system to a continuous assessment system on learners“, Thesis, BTEC Certificate in FE teaching, MCAST April 2006
    3. Switched beam Antenna Array, Design and Experiment“, Undergraduate Thesis, BSc (Hons) I.T., University of Malta, June 2000,  Synposis